Joe, nice switch of direction! I see you now thoroughly believe in the billboard. Sounds interesting. You show two exit stairs exposed at the north façade and a space for a monumental stair. I think you could forgo the monumental stair and develop the exit stairs into prime communication elements (for internal communication and external – combining with billboard?) Stair and billboard should become the major organizing elements (stair = head, billboard= spine, one Boylston geometry, one pike). You might want to develop this duality further: the first floor has two major elements: the café and the exhibition space (where is the entrance?) plus soft tissue. The second floor has currently three: “miscellaneous spaces”, class rooms and outdoor space. Third and fourth floor have two: dorm rooms and lounge area. Re-arrange the program to make it sing!
We currently live in a 1927 Craftsman house. Recently completed a total kitchen remodel, a complete gut to the studs and build out with our own two hands.
Our family consists of three cats: Shrimpy, Cocktail and Diesel.
My fiancee, Missy, also graduated in architecture from Ohio State. She recently passed the LEED AP exam and has several active green building projects through her firm, WD Partners.
An interesting quote from Renzo Piano during an interview with Archinect: "I think it important to note the difference between style and coherence. If you're talking coherence, I love it. If you're talking about style, then I start to wonder."
1 comment:
Joe, nice switch of direction! I see you now thoroughly believe in the billboard. Sounds interesting. You show two exit stairs exposed at the north façade and a space for a monumental stair. I think you could forgo the monumental stair and develop the exit stairs into prime communication elements (for internal communication and external – combining with billboard?) Stair and billboard should become the major organizing elements (stair = head, billboard= spine, one Boylston geometry, one pike).
You might want to develop this duality further: the first floor has two major elements: the café and the exhibition space (where is the entrance?) plus soft tissue.
The second floor has currently three: “miscellaneous spaces”, class rooms and outdoor space.
Third and fourth floor have two: dorm rooms and lounge area. Re-arrange the program to make it sing!
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