Monday, September 3, 2007

Progress Plans

Progress Plans:

First Floor:

Second Floor:

Third/Fourth Floors:

1 comment:

werner said...

Joe, nice switch of direction! I see you now thoroughly believe in the billboard. Sounds interesting. You show two exit stairs exposed at the north façade and a space for a monumental stair. I think you could forgo the monumental stair and develop the exit stairs into prime communication elements (for internal communication and external – combining with billboard?) Stair and billboard should become the major organizing elements (stair = head, billboard= spine, one Boylston geometry, one pike).
You might want to develop this duality further: the first floor has two major elements: the café and the exhibition space (where is the entrance?) plus soft tissue.
The second floor has currently three: “miscellaneous spaces”, class rooms and outdoor space.
Third and fourth floor have two: dorm rooms and lounge area. Re-arrange the program to make it sing!